Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Week One

The Great Experiment begins.

We have planted a few different types of veg (Leeks, Brussels sprouts, lettuce and courgettes - and if we ever find the pumpkin seeds, them too). We're not too confident that anything much will grow! But you never know! We've no knowledge and even less experience. We're going to keep track of our progress here. A tip I read somewhere was to keep a notebook so you'll learn as you go along. Well, this blog will be our notebook.

Day One: Planting.

Courgettes in their propagator. Currently on the windowsill.

Leeks and Sprouts. (We'll work out later where to plant them if they grow...)

Lettuce. (Little Gem.)

The sprouts again...

Veggie home for now.

Will check back in once (if) we have shoots!